We all know a butterfly’s growth cycle: It starts off as a wee caterpillar, then forms a chrysalis tucked away in its cocoon before blossoming into a beautiful butterfly. We rarely get to see them in our own backyards, though. Luckily, you can build your backyard to be a butterfly haven yourself! You want your backyard to look great and to thrive with the animal and insect life you are attracting, so it is important that you take the right steps to achieve this, you could also look into installing an azek gate or fencing for aesthetic purposes, especially if you are going to be the ‘butterfly garden’ you’ll need to look the part.

Their eating habits are relatively simple. They feed on nectar, need a little bit of water, and like having a place to rest between flights. If you live in an area that butterflies are native to, you’ll be able to draw them to your backyard with the right setup.

Give them something to eat

Silly as this may sound, butterflies are attracted to things they can eat (much like the rest of us). Monarch butterflies typically eat Milk Weed, but they also gravitate toward plants in red, yellow, pink, and orange. To create the ultimate butterfly haven, it’s important to incorporate these plants into your landscaping. Good options include:

  • Marigolds
  • Sunflowers
  • Verbena
  • Ageratums
  • Butterflies weeds
  • Pansies
  • Snapdragons

Fun fact: Butterflies see in the ultraviolet range, meaning many of these flowers appear an entirely different color to them.

You might consider using a lawn spreader to make seed spreading easy. The machine can also help with the spread of fertilizers, lawn feed, and weed-killing products. Having equipment like a lawn spreader can be beneficial with landscaping since you have control over the plantation scheme. You can learn more about the best lawn spreaders from lawncareassistant.com or through similar websites that can provide you with specific research.

Stick to native plants

Butterflies that inhabit your region evolved with the plants that were here while they were. In this day and age, it’s possible to incorporate plants from across the country, so long as they’ll grow in your climate. To attract beautiful butterflies, however, it’s important to keep as many native plants around as you can.

Stay in the sun

Butterflies love sunlight, so make sure a variety of your plants (and your backyard in general) are in full sun. If they’re near the shade of a few trees, that’s OK. Be careful that the whole garden isn’t shaded by big trees. In case of need, you might want to contact a Phoenix Arborist (if you live there) or a similar tree trimming company in your area that can trim trees adequately so sunlight can reach your garden.

Give them a place to sit

Even butterflies need a break, and they like to bask in the sun. In your garden, add a few flat rocks or an expanse of flat, smooth surfaces for them to perch on. (Better yet, if you position your outdoor sofa nearby, you’ll have a great view.)

Another fun fact: Butterflies’ noses are actually in their feet. Who knew?

Offer a little water

Much like birds, butterflies need water to cool down. That’s what they make butterfly baths for they’re essentially birdbaths with some sand mixed in. The critters will soak up essential nutrients this way, which is called puddling. These butterfly baths are easy to make, too you can fill a shallow bowl with water and sand. The sand should be totally saturated. Or you can get a water feature designed specifically for the butterflies. If you have a swimming pool already in your backyard, you can hire a swimming pool remodeling company to convert a corner of the pool into a beautiful miniature waterfall, which you can also use as a butterfly bath.

By implementing all these listed features, you can develop your backyard into a mesmerizing butterfly garden. It can be a beneficial way to support nature conservation, and various species of butterflies could offer a tranquil space for people to relax and enjoy nature.

Culture, Renovation Tips