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5 tips for storing gardening supplies in your garage

5 tips for storing gardening supplies in your garage
By Flow Wall
July 28, 2014

Summer is a beautiful season in which to garden, which means it's time to break out your tools. Make sure your time outdoors is organized by storing your supplies wisely. Here are some tips for using your garage as a garden storage shed:

1. Select a spot for gardening tools

Garages are a popular place to store all manner of household items, so the space can get a little cluttered. Keep your gardening supplies (and everything else) in order by dividing up your garage storage plans by category. In this case, devote one or two cabinets and some wall space to gardening and gardening alone. This way, you won't have to dig throughout your garage only to find the trowel in one cabinet and your gloves in another. Don't forget to keep your garden hose with the rest of your supplies when you aren't using it. You can even hang it on a hook to prevent the coil from unraveling!

2. Store vertically

While your garage is an open space in which to store any amalgam of overflow from your home, it is actually a room with a purpose. The original design of a garage is to house your vehicles. Ergo, the center of your space is likely filled with cars. This dramatically limits the amount of floorspace in which you can store your gardening (and other) supplies. Fortunately, you can park both your cars and your belongings inside the garage by using plenty of vertical storage.

Hang wall storage systems on the inside of your garage so that you can hook your tools. You can add hooks, bins and shelves to the wall panel (as is shown in the Anywhere Delux Shelf Starter), as well as use wall cabinets. All of these products can work together according to your needs! The shelves keep your belongings in the open, giving you easy access to your tools, while the cabinet conceals them for a more organized-looking garage.

3. Hang large tools on the wall

Wall panels, complete with gravity hooks, are a simple space-saving solution for your larger tools. Rakes and shovels can tip over if you lean them upright in a cabinet. However, by hanging them on a wall hook they will stay in place, remain easy to access and be simple to identify. Flow Wall's panel system even allows you to select the height of the hooks, creating a custom garage storage system.

4. Divide and categorize

Categorizing is one of the mainstays of organization. By dividing your gardening supplies by their purpose, you can keep all your tools straight. For example, you can put your hand tools in a single basket in your wall cabinet, or place your seeds together. Go even further by organizing your seeds by season, color or type of plant. Spend some time going through all of your gardening supplies and placing them in categories. Here are a few category ideas:

  • Clothing: This includes gloves, your favorite sun hat, knee pads, etc., that you wear exclusively while gardening.
  • Seeds
  • Pots
  • Big tools
  • Hand tools (pruning sheers and trowel)
  • Watering (including a can and your hose)
  • Large objects, such as a wheel barrow

5. Maintain order

Once you've organized your garage's gardening area, be sure to put things back in their rightful place. Becoming disorganized is easy if you don't put items away. Placing your pruning sheers somewhere they don't belong could quickly turn into losing an item.
